Random Acts of Kindness (1)

In 2016, I found myself at the local police department for the second time in my life. The first time, I had to file an accident report for when I was hit by a car in 2013 and then a few years later, I had to report a stolen wallet. 

I have traveled and lived in some pretty big cities throughout the world and luckily never had problems with theft. The pain I experienced when I realized my wallet was missing was so very new to me. After my Bikram yoga class, I decided to buy a bottle of champagne for a celebration and when I reached for my wallet... panic.

After the initial shock had worn off, I found myself at the police station filling out all the necessary paperwork followed by numerous phone calls to cancel cards, registered a claim with the local “lost & found,” applied for new cards and simply moved on. What else could I do?

Four and a half years later (last month), I received a message via my website from a man named Tobias.

(translated to English) I found your credit card on the bridge near the Tonhalle. A (Bank) Visa card. It looks like this card expired in 2016, should I dispose of the card?

WOW! I immediately responded and thanked him for his very kind message. I thought, THIS is why people have websites. The End.

But it wasn’t the end! A few weeks later, I received a letter from the police department. Enclosed was this letter and 5 other cards from my wallet. Apparently these cards also resurfaced after 4,5 years of hibernation and someone else turned them in. My AirBerlin card (RIP Air Berlin), other airline cards, Deutsche Bahn card and my Nespresso card.

All so very random but nevertheless a pleasant surprise.

So who knows that will turn up next?


Knock, Knock


Munich Memories