3 Door (Posts) Down

This is the third part of an ongoing series, my adventures through doors.
This post will be more doors, less talk.

You can find more of my adventures through doors in Part 2: Doors of Scotland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Norway and Part 1: Doors of Germany, Italy, San Francisco, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland and Ireland.

To highlight a special door, I will identify it by row (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) and column (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).


Doors of Zürich (Switzerland)

Not the most exciting of my collages, but nevertheless still beautiful.

Imagine my delight after a few days of brown doors, to find a small hidden path lined with blue doors.

A4 can be found at the side of the Opernhaus in Zürich. On this trip, there was a day when I saw two operas in one day - the final dress rehearsal of L'incoronazione di Poppea in the morning and Das Land des Lächelns at night.


Doors of Lewes (England) — Novafeltria, Cesenatico, Bologna (Italy) —
Edinburgh and Glasgow (Scotland) — Santander and Bilbao (Spain)

F6 is a painted door (of an open door) found in Lewes.
C7 is a door that is actually a curtain.
G2 is a door covered by a huge plant. It made me laugh.


Doors of Düsseldorf, Wiesbaden, München (Germany) —
Amsterdam and Haarlem (Netherlands) — and San Francisco (USA)

E5 is a door from an art exhibition featuring the work by artist, Ai Wei Wei. I had recently discovered that my opera house had cultural events for employees to attend (for free) so I naturally signed up for the museum visit.

I traveled to Wiesbaden to visit friends and to hear one of them sing a role that I had helped to prepare. A2 is a door in front of a beautiful church in Wiesbaden.

H4 is a lovely corner door framed by a huge plant in München.

C5 can be found in the city of Amsterdam, city of beautiful doors.

E3 was taken in Haarlem, Netherlands. I love the wire design of this door.

F5 was found in San Francisco, California after a huge brunch.


Doors of Brussels (Belgium)

I was excited to visit Brussels again because of three important reasons.
1. To see a friend perform
2. To visit my favorite bakery which recently opened a location in Düsseldorf
3. Art Nouveau doors
This trip was a quick 24-hours in Brussels so to take around 70 pictures of doors was a big accomplishment.


Doors of Madrid (Spain)

My favorite of this collage is F5. If you look carefully, there is an orange balloon animal leaning against the door. I thought about moving it but I love that it is there.

And a special one I made in honor of #PrideMonth


Everyone is a critic


Tristan und Isolde